GFWC Southern Region

The General Federation of Women's Clubs is an international women's organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.  GFWC Southern Region encompasses clubs in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Aruba and Belize.

GFWC Southern Region Officers

President - Laurie O'Kelly

Vice President - Tammie McCoy

Secretary - Shari Carter

Treasurer - Roberta Atkinson

Parliamentary Advisor - Marian St.Clair

The theme for this administration is Circle of Service, with a special focus on food insecurities.  This is an area where all clubs can have an impact in their community, as well as internationally. 

Local Impact:

International Impact:

Make a donation to Heifer International's Flock of Chicks program.  A $20 donation will provide a family in need with a starter flock of 10-50 chicks along with training to empower them to turn the donation into a lifetime of opportunity.  Each flock of chicks:

Chickens require little space and can thrive on readily available scraps.  This allows families to make money from the birds without spending much.  And since a good hen can lay up to 200 eggs a year, a flock of chickens gift provides a steady source of nutrition and income.

Donations can be made to Heifer International at in honor of GFWC Southern Region.

How will you impact your local circle?